
Motor plans most often take care of servicing and repairs to your vehicle. However, they do not always cover you for normal wear and tear like brake pads, tyres, wiper blades, batteries and so on. This is an area where we can assist you.

It most likely is your battery that does not have enough charge. Try switching the lights and radio on. If they don’t work, it is a sure sign that your battery is flat. Check your owner’s manual about how to jumpstart your car.

The problem will not go away, so you need your battery seen to by a professional.

We can help with this!

Call us – we will happily assist you. If your car needs towing, we will help you get hold of a reliable towing service.

It is probably your brake pads that are worn out. Please come and see us as soon as possible so we can assist you. Don’t leave it too late as this could be dangerous, and very costly.

For a minimum, check the lights and indicators, water and oil levels and of course the tyres and brakes.

Your best option is to bring the vehicle to us for our 62-point Car Check. This will reveal any problems that could happen to it on the way and afford you the opportunity to get it seen to before you leave.

This depends on your vehicle, but here are some guidelines:


  • Older diesel engines: every 7500km
  • Newer diesel engines: every 15000km
  • Older petrol engines: every 10000km
  • Newer petrol engines: every 15000km
  • There are even some engines where the service interval is 25000 and 40000km

Call us for assistance and advice about your particular vehicle.

We are not open for general trade on a Saturday, but we will assist by prior appointment.

If you have a question that is not listed above, please use this form to submit it to us. We are dedicated to serving our clients and prospects, and will be happy to address any concerns or enquiries with you.

You are of course always welcome to simply give us a call if you prefer.

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